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Welfare Services

The Torquay RSL provides a range of important welfare services to veterans throughout the Surf Coast Region. Our hard-working and well-trained Welfare Team provides the following services:


1. Compensation Services - our welfare advocates advise veterans on pensions, access to Gold Cards, compensation claims, appeals to the Veteran Review Board, and generally represent and assist veterans in dealing with the Department of Veteran Affairs.


2. Our welfare advocates also deal with veterans facing mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, and other broad areas of personal welfare including alcohol abuse, unemployment, and homelessness, or just want someone to talk to. Where appropriate we may refer the client to other specialist services.


3. We also assist with Veteran funerals, hospital and home visits to veterans or their families.


The Welfare Team operates at the Torquay RSL Club (47 The Esplanade Torquay) every Monday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.


Appointments can be made by calling Phil Pickering on 0412 045 047 or just drop in.


Let us help you!

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